Friday 27 February 2009


As part of my college Art course, I created various pieces based upon different topic areas...

This was a piece I designed and created using acrylic paint on an MDF base. Inspired by a Medieval theme of carnival Dragons...

I designed this piece on canvas using water based paints in order to create various shades. This was a painting based around the idea of the unusual, the transformed, and the imagination...

This piece was also done on canvas using water based paints. This is in the style of a Film Poster. Adapted from the film 'Kill Bill', I used my own characters from a personal photograph to re-create the poster...

Here I designed a tile in a style to reflect a 'traditional' feel. Created from several designs based upon the topic of nature, and transformed into a Victorian image...

This piece was designed with the theme of 'layers' in mind. Both the style of the painting and the individual images themselves all present layers in some way or another. Be it style, appearance, colour, or design...

My final piece was created with acrylic paint on MDF board. It was created under the theme 'The Bathroom', and features a close up of a sink -complete with toothbrush, toothpaste, and all the essentials. The aim of this piece was to show off shading, use of colour, and detail...
